I heard an interesting discussion on National Public Radio regarding patients suffering with dementia. A group of patients were brought together to watch a number of clips from various famous movies. The first set of films were stories with sad plots and ended tragically. After they watched the films each of the participants was asked what movies they had seen, but none of them could remember. They studied the participants for the rest of the day and noted that their overall moods were down beat and solum.
Several days later the same group of patients was brought together and watched clips from some of the most famous funny movies. Once again, none of the partricipants could remember the names of the films they watched nor could they recall any details about the movies. The patients were observed for the rest of the day and it was noted that each of their moods was upbeat and happy.
The experiment has significant meaning for those who care for or have family with alzheimer's disease. Even though your loved one may seem unresponsive people should remember that a patient's overall mood can be set by you being upbeat and encourage the patient to laugh or smile.