There are certain characteristics of a quality home care agency. The first indication is how the agency handles inquiries about service. Periodically, I call my competitors and frequently am amazed at the sloppy way their employees answer the phone. We train our coordinators that they make the first impression of our company and they should always sound professional, compassionate and informative. I have instilled in them that it is their responsibility to help a caller whether we can provide the answer to their problems or not, we make recommendations and provide alternatives for them to consider. We must understand that what is common knowledge for those of us in the industry is a mystery to those trying to navigate the health care system. Our mission is to serve as a community resource.
In addition, the agency should be available 24 hours a day seven days a week. You need the security of knowing that you or your loved one has access to the agency in case a problem arises. Things happen in a people oriented service, employees get sick, cars break down and personality conflicts occur. It's not acceptable for clients requiring care to be forced to wait for a resolution to their problems or concerns.
Another characteristic that is crucial to the client is that the care givers are directly employed by the agency. That means that the agency pays the employee, matches their social security and Medicare deductions and provides a year end W-2 form. They should also provide liability insurance and workman's compensation insurance for all care givers.
It's important for those seeking care to find out what the agency's hiring criteria are. In my next post I will provide a list of requirements you should insist the agency you choose has implemented.
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