Wednesday, April 21, 2010

An Interesting Study

A few days ago I was listening to Morning Edition on N.P.R. and they interviewed a physician who specialized in treating  patients suffering from dementia or alzheimer's.  He was speaking to those of us who deal with loved ones who don't seem to know who we are and the frustration we experience as a result.  His study was conducted with a group of seniors suffering from memory loss. Initially the group was shown five of what are considered to be the most emotional films ever made.  The group was visually effected, some sobbing others very somber.  Shortly after the film clips ended the staff went to each of the participants and asked them what films they just saw.  None could name any of the films used in the experiment.  But the mood of the participants was sullen.  The second part of the experiment included  clips of very funny scenes from five other films. The group laughed out loud and seriously enjoyed all of the clips.  Again a short time passed and the staff asked the participants what films they had just seen and again, none could  remember.  But the mood of the entire group was upbeat and happy.   

The physician pointed out that those of us who feel we are helpless to improve the quality of a loved ones life who suffers from memory loss, that by creating a fun or pleasant activity, which may not be remembered, but will set a peaceful, pleasant state of mind for the patient.


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